Home > Conspiracy, NWO > Israeli ‘Security’: Mossad-Fukushima Connection

Israeli ‘Security’: Mossad-Fukushima Connection

June 26, 2011) Giant security cameras and sensors were installed inside Reactor 3 and elsewhere on the Fukushima site about a year before the disaster by the Israeli company, Magna BSP.

This specialises in producing ‘virtual security fences’ for military and civilian use that include an ‘electro-optical radar system’ and ‘stereoscopic vision sensors’.

The cameras weighed more than a thousand pounds and were of a size and shape very similar to a gun-type nuclear weapon.

Magna BSP is located in Dimona in Israel — the home of the massive Israeli nuclear weapons programme.

Israel is the elephant in the living room time and time again. Israeli ‘security’ company, ICTS-International, formed by Israeli intelligence agents, was responsible for ‘security’ at 9/11 airports; at Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport where ‘shoe bomber’, Richard Reid, boarded his plane; and at Amsterdam Schiphol where ‘underpants bomber’, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was allowed onto his plane apparently without a passport.

Categories: Conspiracy, NWO
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