
Archive for the ‘Health/Pharma’ Category

Colorado and Washington vote to become first US states to legalize marijuana

November 9, 2012 Leave a comment

Published: 07 November, 2012, 09:06

(AFP Photo / Gabriel Bouys)
(AFP Photo / Gabriel Bouys)

Marijuana is now legal in Colorado and Washington for recreational use, and possibly in Oregon as well.

While the decision in Colorado is historic, it was not without controversy: The measure won by a close six-point margin, 53% in favor to 47% opposed. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper was an ardent opponent to the legalizaiton of recreational marijuana use, and reacted to the decision in the following statement: “The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will. This will be a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug so don’t break out the Cheetos or Goldfish too quickly.”

Proponents of the initiative argued that pot is safer than alcohol, and that the legal sale of marijuana could rake in $45 to 100 billion in tax revenue, according to Bloomberg. The government will also save an estimated $14 billion in cannabis-related costs in fighting the war on drugs.

Massachusetts and Arkansas have also passed ballot initiatives allowing use of marijuana for medical purposes. These are two of the six states debating medical marijuana laws in 2012, a concept already accepted in around a third of US states. In California, a state often seen at the vanguard of the medical marijuana movement, there are more than 1,000 pot dispensaries in operation. It is also estimated that there are more facilities that sell medical marijuana in Colorado than there are Starbucks coffeehouses.

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October 31, 2012 Leave a comment

Drug Companies Pushing to Replace Nutrition with Pharmaceuticals; Take Your Medications Even if You Have No Symptoms

Monday, 01 October 2012

‘Medications are nutrition. That’s essentially the rationale behind a couple of Big Pharma corporations’ decision to give a failed Alzheimer’s drug a second chance.

In early August, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson said they were ending large-scale clinical trials of their experimental drug bapineuzumab in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, because patients taking it did not show signs of improved memory or thinking skills.

That was disappointing to millions of Alzheimer’s sufferers and their families, though the results of the trials were all but expected by researchers and investors who believed the drug had little chance to succeed.’

Read more: Drug Companies Pushing to Replace Nutrition with Pharmaceuticals; Take Your Medications Even if You Have No Symptoms

Chile May Soon Legalise Ayahuasca

September 12, 2012 Leave a comment

‘A few days ago a court in Chile ruled that ayahuasca is not a substance harmful to health. In contrast, this compound may be highly beneficial to the welfare of human beings. A mystery is revealed in this herb, as a vine metaphysical joins heaven and earth, the soul with the body and the conscious mind with the unconscious.

Make an ayahuasca ceremony may have cost him a couple seven years in prison. Luckily Cesar Ahumada Lira, 42, and her partner, Danae Dimitra Saenz, 41, were acquitted by the trial court IV Oral Criminal Santiago, Chile.

“The court came to the conviction that far from being a danger to public health, developed by the defendants conduct has brought important benefits to many people, several of whom recounted their experiences in Court,” the legal document released EFE.’

Read more: Chile May Soon Legalise Ayahuasca

Cannabinoids, like those found in marijuana, occur naturally in human breast milk

September 9, 2012 Leave a comment

Friday, July 20, 2012 by: Jonathan Benson

Cannabinoids are produced on the flowers of the female plant of Cannabis sativa in tiny hair-like structures called trichomes, the plant’s own “chemical factories.” (Credit: Jon Page (UofS/NRC), Klaus Adler (IPK-Gatersleben, Germany))

(NaturalNews) Woven into the fabric of the human body is an intricate system of proteins known as cannabinoid receptors that are specifically designed to process cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the primary active components of marijuana. And it turns out, based on the findings of several major scientific studies, that human breast milk naturally contains many of the same cannabinoids found in marijuana, which are actually extremely vital for proper human development.

Cell membranes in the body are naturally equipped with these cannabinoid receptors which, when activated by cannabinoids and various other nutritive substances, protect cells against viruses, harmful bacteria, cancer, and other malignancies. And human breast milk is an abundant source of endocannabinoids, a specific type of neuromodulatory lipid that basically teaches a newborn child how to eat by stimulating the suckling process.

If it were not for these cannabinoids in breast milk, newborn children would not know how to eat, nor would they necessarily have the desire to eat, which could result in severe malnourishment and even death. Believe it or not, the process is similar to how adult individuals who smoke pot get the “munchies,” as newborn children who are breastfed naturally receive doses of cannabinoids that trigger hunger and promote growth and development.

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Foreign DNA, Other Substances from Vaccinations Found in Sick, Disabled and Dying Children

September 7, 2012 Leave a comment

September, 07 2012

‘This week an important paper by Leslie Carol Botha hit the Internet by storm. This revolutionary paper titled Unveiling the Culprit – Is Foreign DNA Contamination the Autistic Villain behind Biologic Vaccine Injuries, is one of the first papers to discuss various foreign DNA fragments being discovered in sick, disabled and dying children after they have received various childhood vaccinations.

Over the past six years, Ms Botha has been heavily involved and dedicated to using her print and broadcast experience to share information with the public about the potential dangers of the HPV vaccines. She is a member of TruthAboutGardasil and is one of six women who, in March 2010, presented research and data to the FDA on the alarming statistics of Gardasil and Cervarix deaths, injuries and harm in comparison to other vaccines.’

Read more: Foreign DNA, Other Substances from Vaccinations Found in Sick, Disabled and Dying Children

Gates Foundation Funds ‘Anti-Vaccine Surveillance and Alert System’ and ‘On-Demand Vaccine Delivery via Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’

‘An anti-vaccine surveillance and alert system
Seth Kalichman of the in the USA will establish an Internet-based global monitoring and rapid alert system for finding, analysing, and counteracting communication campaigns containing misinformation regarding vaccines to support global immunization efforts.

On-demand vaccine delivery via low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles
George Barbastathis of the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology in the USA will lead a team to develop unmanned aerial vehicles that can be deployed by health care workers via cell phones to swiftly transport vaccines to rural locations and alleviate last-mile delivery problems and improve cost, quality, and coverage of vaccine supplies.’

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Doctors and Farmers Find That Eliminating GMOs Prevents Disease

‘In recent years, more and more doctors have started warning their patients to avoid genetically modified foods and the results are paying off. Jeffrey Smith now tells us that thousands of doctors are reporting the elimination of disease simply when patients cut genetically modified foods out of their diets. They are finding the elimination of immune disorders, arthritis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, skin problems, general pain, migraines, and restless leg syndrome, among other problems. According to one doctor, the results happen pretty quickly too.

“In terms of allergies,” Dr. Lindner tells us, “it might take two to five days. In terms of depression, it starts to lift almost instantaneously. When I change people from a GMO diet to a GMO-free diet, I see results instantaneously in people who have foggy thinking and people who have gut symptoms like bloating, gas, irritation.”

Dr. Lindner is getting her patients off the most common genetically modified foods including soy, corn, canola oil, and sugar and recommending that they buy organic to avoid even more of them. Full results, she tells us, normally take four to six weeks.’

Read more: Doctors and Farmers Find That Eliminating GMOs Prevents Disease

Court Forces Chemo on Eight-year-old Minnesota Girl Despite Family’s Desire to Use Alternative Medicine

Monday, 13 August 2012

‘Where once it was rare for courts of law to invade the privacy and purview of parents when it came to raising their children, in today’s America the wall between parental rights and the state’s Leviathan is increasingly being dismantled by activists disguised as public servants.

Karen Parisian of Minnetonka, Minn., told a local television station during a recent interview that her cancer-stricken eight-year-old daughter, Sarah, was having a lot of difficulties following a single cycle of chemotherapy. Besides the standard hair loss, Sarah lost weight and suffered from nausea and a sore throat. “The week that we were to start chemo she was sleeping 22 hours a day,” her mother told WCCO-TV.

Because of the chemo’s negative effects, Sarah’s family wanted her to forego further treatments. Instead, they wanted to use alternative medicine techniques because a) they know alternative medicine; and b) it was their choice to make. Or so they thought.’

Read more: Court Forces Chemo on Eight-year-old Minnesota Girl Despite Family’s Desire to Use Alternative Medicine

Dramatic Health Recoveries Reported By Patients Who Took Their Doctor’s Advice and Stopped Using GMO Foods

Friday, 03 August 2012

‘Are genetically modified (GM) foods making you sick – I mean really sick? Up until recently, all that we could say was thank goodness you’re not a lab rat; GM feed messes them up big time. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) appear to trigger the immune systems of both mice and rats as if they were under attack. In addition, the gastrointestinal system is adversely affected, animals age more quickly, and vital organs are damaged. When fed GM foods, lab animals can also become infertile, have smaller or sterile offspring, increased infant mortality, and even hair growing in their mouths. Have I got your attention?’

Read more: Dramatic Health Recoveries Reported By Patients Who Took Their Doctor’s Advice and Stopped Using GMO Foods